GrožnjanMiramida Center - Regional Exchange of Peace Experience is organizing the 6th consecutive retreat for activists from the Former Yugoslavia.  The retreat will be held from 5-10 July 2012 in Grožnjan in Istria.  

The deadline for applications is 14 June 2012. 

More information about the retreat for activists, a detailed program and instructions about how to apply, follow this link.  

mirovnenovostiWe'd like to announce the publishing of the latest edition of Peace News for April-May 2012.  To download the PDF, follow this link. Enjoying the reading!.

In this edition:
- Strategy for establishing an encouraging environment for the development of sustainable civil society in BiH
- IPA programming and participation in civil society
- Establishment of a genocide video archive
- Invitation to this year's Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy
- Campaign for equality for all - a month of Roma women's activism
- and much more


Towards Open Regionalism in South East Europe

seeipEdited by Paul Stubbs and Christophe Solioz (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | Southeast European Integration Perspectives, vol. 6, 2012), 225 pp.

Towards Open Regionalism in South East Europe presents a series of interlinked reflections on the possibilities and problems of emergent forms of regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE). Taking diverse themes such as: the economy, crime, borders, culture, and civil society, authors explore some of the facets of “open regionalism”, consisting of multi-actor, multi-level and multi-scalar processes producing a complex geometry of interlocking networks. The book situates “new regionalism” in SEE in the historical context of the legacies of Yugoslavia and the wars of the Yugoslav succession. Contemporary processes of Europeanisation in relation to SEE are also examined as complex, contingent and radically unfinished. The book seeks to move beyond the constraints of objectivist notions of regionalism as consisting of sets of relations between sovereign nation states, to address complex constructions of meaning and place.

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Ubleha for idiots

  • ASAP

    Engl. "As soon as possible". Verbatim, as a technical term, reflects the paradigmatic project situation: all planned deadlines have been exceeded. "Do not mention any dates lest it be discovered where it got stuck or who is responsible! We all try to speed things up and always have. There’s a fire lit under me but do not panic lest it would get even worse!“  This, to a large degree, also intends to transpose the responsibility to the person asked to do something ASAP because it implies that the sender of the message is more expedient and better organized than the recipient. (See: ACRONYMS in general).

from Ubleha for Idiots – An Absolutely non useful Guide for Civil Society Building and Project management for Locals and Internationals in BiH and Beyond by Nebojša Šavija-Valha and Ranko Milanovic-Blank, ALBUM No. 20, 2004, Sarajevo, translated by Marina Vasilj.