The Peace Academy Foundation

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Porodice Ribar 8
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina


Executive Director: Randall Puljek-Shank, PhD

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Board of Directors

Azra Ibrahimović
Nejra Nuna Čengić
Amela Puljek-Shank
Azra Smailkadić-Brkić

History of PAF

The Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy (PYPA) program was created in 2007 as a result of shared experience-based insights from four organizations working in the field of reconciliation and peacebuilding in the region: Mennonite Central Committee, Sarajevo; Centre for Non-violent Action, Sarajevo/Belgrade; Nansen Dialogue Center, Sarajevo; and TERCA, Sarajevo. 

PYPA was conceived to address a number of challenges which practitioners in the field have been facing throughout the region: education for peacebuilding practitioners is insufficient in terms of providing practitioners with theoretical foundations and reflexive tools; immense theoretical production in the field has been circulating in academic circles and has not been communicated to practitioners; and cooperation among practitioners within countries and in the region is very limited and mainly donor-driven. 

In September 2010, to ensure long-term sustainability of the PYPA, the Peace Academy Foundation (PFA) was established as a separate and legally-registered organization.

Following are more information about the intiating organizations of PYPA and consequently PAF: 

Centre for Nonviolent Action

CNA is a peace organisation working cross regionally in the countries of former Yugoslavia since 1997.

CNAs mission has been to work on the building of lasting peace in the region of the former Yugoslavia through the promotion of the cultures of nonviolence and dialogue, and through trust building among individuals and groups.

With our work we want to incentivise and encourage the promotion of peace as a basic social value and ridding of the war and violence as a way to solving conflicts. Dealing with the past in the region of former Yugoslavia has been the focus of our interests and we advocate for the definition of this process as a multilayered and complex process that includes also: work to deconstruct “enemy images” to build trust among people in the region of Former Yugoslavia and to establish a culture of remebrance; activities to establish a culture of remembrance; advocacy for the promotion and development of public policies aimed at dealing with the past; the reexamination and deconstruction of nationalism, militarism and patriarchy as the ideological pillars of violence in every society. With the programs of peace education and activities in the field of documentary production and publishing we strive to create new and strengthen the current resources for peace work in the region of the former Yugoslavia. Our desire is to create and to support the capacities focused on value-based approach to peace building, led by commitment of human rights protection and freedoms of all individuals and the values of dialogue, co-operation, social justice and solidarity among the individuals and groups.

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)


Founded in 1920, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a relief, service, community development and peace agency of the North American Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches. MCC has over 800 volunteers in 58 countries around the world. MCC first sent volunteers to the region of SEE in 1963 following the Skopje earthquake.  During the 1990's MCC responded to the consequences of the wars in this region with material assistance (food, refugee kits, school kits) through its cooperation with local partner organizations.  Presently MCC focuses 75% of its program budget in the priority area of peace (Interreligious bridgebuilding, trauma healing and strategic peacebuilding) and the remaining 25% in the priority areas of community development, social services, and relief.

Nansen Dialogue Centre Sarajevo

Nansen Dialogue Centre Sarajevo is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to contribute to the development of democratic practices and the prevention and resolution of conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina by promoting dialogue across ethnic, national, religious, political and interest divides. In its work Nansen Dialogue Centre is focused on development of local communities, particularly in sectors of reintegration of returnees, education and youth.



TERCA – Training, Education, Resources, Consulting, Action was established in 2005, although in a way it has inherited Quaker Peace and Social Witness which was working in BiH since 1998. TERCA is a non-profit organization which works with civil society organizations, the general public and the business sector to increase the level of knowledge and skills in the areas of information management, advocacy, and networking. This is achieved through the methods of training events, informal education and information sharing. The overall goal is to empower and develop the active capacities of people within BiH society who have already shown by their personal commitment and knowledge that they can contribute positively to the peaceful development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the wider surrounding region. Particular emphasis is given in all of our work to activities concerned with peacebuilding and dealing with the past in BiH and the wider region of post-Yugoslav Countries.
