The Second Post-Yugoslave Peace Academy in Sarajevo brought together young people from the region who wanted to discuss the consequences of war and ways in which unity can be achieved between different ethnic and religious groups.

The seminar last 7 days, during which 60 young people from the region try to find answers to numerious questions, such as: why nearly 15 years after the war are retrogressive process taking place - formation of ghettos, nationalism and ethnic segregations.  

In International Franciscan Student Center in Sarajevu the 2nd Annual Post-Yugoslav Peace is taking place, in which students attend three parallel courses: "Remembering, Memory and Forgetting," "Activism Reloaded" and "Dynamics of Conflict in Conflict Society."  The lecturers are Goran Božičević from Miramida Center in Istrija, Stef Jansen from the University of Manchester, Orli Fridman from the Institute for Comparative Studies in Israel and Paul Stubbs from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb.

Tamara Šmidling, a member of the Peace Academy organizational team says that the seminar is primarily for young people who work in research institutions, universities, nongovernmental organizations, media, or educational institutions.  "We wanted to create a space for exchange, a place for learning and critical thinking, all in the goal of establishing new and better praxis for concrete work in the field," said Šmidling.